Lightsheer Diode Laser Worked Like a Charm on Bikini, Underarms, and Face – Orange County, CA . Laser hair removal treatment is the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. About two years ago I decided to stop waxing and try laser hair removal on my full bikini and underarms. I have brown hair and olive skin and was told that I could expect between a 10{aea2b696391fa39cb967d30fcd6aba4dbca06caf6246edcd5037966107a3d780}-20{aea2b696391fa39cb967d30fcd6aba4dbca06caf6246edcd5037966107a3d780} reduction with each treatment. It sounded reasonable so I decided to give it a go. After 4 treatments on my underarms and 6 on my bikini, I literally have a few thin hairs growing in. I am so excited to say the least! Waxing hurt like crazy and overall cost a lot more. My experience with Laser Hair Removal was virtually pain free and has really best the best thing ever! No more ingrown hairs from waxing or razor bumps. It has been life changing for me. After I saw the results from my bikini and underarms and knew that my skin tolerated the treatment well, I did my upper lip and the sides of my face. The results on my face have been great too. 🙂 Yay for laser!
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